The player who creates the club is automatically the admin of the club. He or she can change the club info anytime. It costs 50 coins to change the club name. The admin can make 2 other players moderators. To do that, the admin needs to tap on the player on the members list and choose to "promote". And the admin can demote the moderator to a normal member anytime by tapping on the moderator's name and choose to "demote".
If the admin leaves the club, the moderator with the highest level becomes the admin. If there are no moderators, the member with the highest points becomes the admin.
If the admin is inactive for a long time, the oldest moderator becomes the new admin automatically. This is to help the club members kick and accept new members into the club to continue the Yacht Race in the most efficient way.
The admin cannot choose the next admin. However, if they leave one moderator in the Club before they leave, that moderator will be the next admin.
Moderators can accept new member applications to a private club. They can also kick members from the club.
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