- Always make sure you're connected to the internet on both devices before you change them.
- Make sure to use the same connection method on both devices. Google Play only works if both your devices are Android and Game Center only works if both your devices are iOS. If not, you need to connect with the same Facebook account.
- When you open your game on the device you want to continue playing, you'll see a data selection popup. Choose the correct data before you start the game. Please check all the data before you select either Cloud or Device. Keep in mind that the one you don't choose will be removed permanently.
- If you don't see your old game on either of the options:
- please go back to your previous device, make sure it is connected to the internet, turn the game off and on again
- On your new device, connect to the internet, turn the game off and on again and check the options again
- Please check the Settings popup to make sure you're connected with the same accounts on both devices.
If you're still having troubles seeing your data on your new device, please contact us using the Support button on the Settings menu.
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